Sunday, December 31, 2017

The Habits of Haute (A Year of Style 2017)

   New Year’s Eve is upon us and with it comes my inevitable, “The Habits Of Haute,” post.  Considering all of my, “Year Of Style,” reviews…and I’m proud to state that this is the fourth…I declare 2017 my greatest visual triumph to date.  Of course, I’d be lying if I didn’t give some credit to one of my favorite new companions.  Yes folks, you all told me and you were right…I love my iPhone! 
   Who knew that finally upgrading to a smart phone would have so much impact on my creativity?  Suddenly my images were privy to luxuries like cropping, filters, and easier mobility.  For example, I admit my old barn door at home has served me well throughout the years, but it sure was nice to be able to expand my backdrop repertoire.  In addition, I’m now convinced that there is no self portrait that can’t be remedied by a little, “Glamour Glow,” or, “Vintage Tint,” filter.  I look back at some of my unaltered images from years past and think, “I should really mess with that.  That could be something totally great.”
   Of course, the old Rayna…the romantic purest…is screaming on the inside at the thought of this.  In fact, I had many moments of guilt this year while contemplating the necessity of using filters and digital manipulation on my images.  “Have I become so incredibly vain that now I’m relying on electronic masquerade to make me appear more fabulous?” 
   I’ve come to the conclusion that the answer to this question is, “Who cares!”  While I’ll admit to the overwhelming urge to manipulate each image I take of myself, I'll argue that I don’t necessarily intend to always make it look better.  In fact, I think that several of my altered portraits from last year were borderline creepy and I was quite happy with that.  It’s because of these images that this year was the first time in my, “Little House Of Haute,” history that I felt like I was combining my actual skills in art with my hobby.  As a result, this year I finally felt proud of my blog rather than silly.  I took note of the fact that I’ve created something interesting solely by myself.  I praised my countless afternoons spent styling outfits, gussying up, trolling for settings, posturing for poses, mentally cropping, digitally manipulating, drafting drivel, and most of all trying to keep the confidence to go on with a hobby that really puts oneself on display for potential criticism.   
   I guess it’s here that I would like to thank each person that has been kind to me regarding this blog.  These individuals have reached out to me over the years and made me feel like my hobby was not only legitimate, but captivating.  It’s because of the kindness of these friends that I have the confidence to continue creating something that may not be important to anyone else, but sure has been a lifesaver for me.  I’m not ashamed to admit that, “Little House Of Haute,” makes me feel like the artist I always needed to be.  Damn it!  I’m not just a 38 year old narcissistic shopaholic!  I’m a freaking fashion blogger!...and this blogger is eternally grateful for the support that her like-minded and talented friends have given her. 
   In closing, the above pictures may not be the most honest depictions of my life last year.  Admittedly, all of these images have obviously been altered to suit my mood for that day.  However, when one really thinks about it in those terms maybe they’re the most honest depictions I’ve ever created. 


  1. Happy 4 years Little House of Haute! You have done incredible work with this blog. Reinvention is the future, hacks hated Warhol and the Moog, but look at all the great things they spawned. I love Digital manipulation, without it I would have to spend a lifetime trying to create some of the images that are in my head. I don't have that time, this head is like an attic full of treasures and fun crap. So is yours. Happy New Year, and may 2018 bring many more great treasures from your art!

    1. Thank you Jason. I was hoping that you would read this post. Happy New Year. I can't wait to see what our little artistic community creates in the future!

  2. No amount of filters and/or digital manipulations could mask the tremendously fascinating, intriguing, wild, and extremely attractive and expressive women that you are - I am thoroughly entranced looking at these portraits of you - you're beautiful, and I love your facial expressions! Best wishes for a happy Year 2018 and fifth year of blogging!
