Sunday, April 29, 2018

Just Bloody Wear It!

   It’s finally that transitional time when the seasons are changing and my ensembles are going to stop making sense.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m absolutely thrilled that winter seems to have left the Midwest.  However, I still have sweater clad pictures to post!  You can bet this narcissist will not be trashing any of her hard earned glamour shots in the name of featuring weather appropriate apparel.  As a result, I apologize in advance to the few readers I have.  Once again Rayna is going to be dressed a tad odd.
   Of course looking different is certainly not a new concept for me.  In fact, it seems to be something I encounter on a daily basis.  I find this odd considering I don’t think my personal style is really that outlandish.  In addition, I have no notable rebellious or shocking alterations to my appearance.  By this I mean I have absolutely no tattoos…no florescent hair…and my ears are the only things I’ve ever pierced…and that was once, when I was in 2nd grade…which, I guess at the time made me feel pretty bad ass.  Considering all of this, I can’t help but wonder why I feel so darned out of place when I go out in public.
   Not that feeling out of place is necessarily a bad thing.  In fact, on most occasions I quite like the attention.  However, I’m often confused on why this happens.  There have been several times that I've dressed in what I considered very, “meh,” ensembles and people have responded enthusiastically about, “my quirky style.”  I always take these comments as compliments (whether they are intended to be or not) while thinking , “Whew!  I guess I still got it!”
   Of course there is always that rare occasion when I do find myself self-conscious of something I’ve put on.  Now mind you, this is not something that happens often.  I'm fairly confident wearing any ridiculous outfit I put together as long as it photographs well against my magic barn wall.  If you’ve read this blog before you know the wall I speak of.  Again, I find myself apologizing to my readers for lack of creativity when it comes to background scenery in my portraits.  However, this is supposed to be a, “fashion blog,” so technically I feel I could argue it’s solely the outfit that should carry the image.  
   Of course, there have been several occasions that my ensembles have looked severely questionable in my pictures, and depending on my motivation that particular day I’ve either opted to change or simply, “just bloody wear it!”  That last quoted bit I had to throw in due to the fact that it's my new favorite hashtag to troll on Instagram.  Of course, I don’t feel near worthy enough to actually use it on my own posts…sigh…
   Interestingly enough, even though I don’t feel the confidence to post with this hashtag, I find myself repeating these words in my closet often.  I pick up, yet another weirdo piece of clothing, and brood, “Why don’t I have any normal grown-up clothes?”  For example, in some of the pictures above I’m wearing a vintage Playboy turtleneck sweater.  Upon finding it at a local antiques store I was absolutely stoked.  Unfortunately, the day I put it on I suddenly felt self-conscious.  “Is this really what a mature adult woman should be parading around in?” I silently fretted.  “Does this sweater just make me look like a desperate almost middle aged woman sadly clinging to the concepts of youth and beauty?”  “Ah well,” I caved.  “Just bloody wear it Rayna!”  Of course, a few days later I found myself showing these pictures to a very attractive and much younger acquaintance of mine.  “Is that a Playboy sweater?!" she screeched.  “Uh...yeah," I answered rather sheepishly.   “I LOVE IT!!! You have THE BEST clothes!”  “Score one for the desperate old lady,” I thought smiling.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Little Girl Blue

   Sometimes it just feels so darn good to be right.  I’ve always been a big advocate of the idea that accessories can carry an outfit.  Deep stuff to ponder, I know.  However, when one is working with a limited wardrobe this concept can be super handy.  I can hear my friends now, “Limited wardrobe?!  Who is she trying to kid?”  While I’ll admit to having more choices in my closet than the average bear, I have to argue that none of that matters when the bear in question is battling the frozen tundra I've been living in.  Basically, while spending one's winter on the plains, an individual  should be solely concerned with finding a durable look that endorses survival.  No wonder a polar bear has the gall to wear white after Labor Day!  Okay yeah…that last comment was pretty lame.
   Anyhow, it’s usually during the cold weather months…which where I'm at largely outnumber the warm ones…that I start to feel unworthy of labeling myself a, “personal style blogger.”  I mean, how much styling is really going on with the, "jeans and sweater look?"  This last statement makes me think back to an article I once read regarding style blogging that stated something like, "Concerning blogging, there is very little actual fashion being shown."  The writer continued by commenting that many so-called, "fashionistas," are actually just attractive people taking pretty pictures in rather, “meh,” clothing.  “Uh oh,” I thought.  “Well, I guess I better hope I’m good enough looking to at least pull that off!” 
   While I’m aware that there are much more compelling personal style blogs out there than, “Little House Of Haute,” I have always felt like I possess, at least a small amount, of skill when it comes to constructing my outfits…even if they do only consist of jeans and an overcoat.  I’m reminded of a time when a total stranger approached me and stated, “You have a real talent with accessorizing.”  I delighted in the idea that my style sense inspired someone I didn’t even know.
   This being stated, many of my ensembles lately have been totally constructed out of functional boring crap.  Due to the miserable weather this has pretty much been my standard winter uniform.  The only way I’ve been able to make my outfits even remotely interesting has been through accessories.  For example, the concept of belting my winter coats was something I recently stumbled on.  I saw this idea featured in a, “Hugo Boss,” campaign and I swear it’s changed my life completely.  Suddenly my frumpy wool frocks have transformed into something a tad more, “fashion blog worthy.”  It’s like, “Hey, that girl has some style!  Look at how she belted that thing!  She had to put some thought into that!" Yeah, I know it’s a stretch but please give it to me.  My blogger confidence is clinging to this idea.
   Lastly, I believe there’s really nothing more effective than the basic, “matchy-matchy,” concept.  For instance, regarding the pictures above, I had a pretty boring outfit until I threw on an oversized scarf that's color complimented my eyes.  I then color coordinated that scarf with my favorite Michael Kors bag and suddenly I had something to work with.  If anything, I can simply hope to get a compliment on the purse alone.  You see, it’s just that one compliment that can encourage this fashion enthusiast to keep going…or at the very least to continue the quest for designer purses.  Who knows, maybe that next handbag will be the one that truly transforms me into a real fashion blogger.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Is the cabin causing my fever?

   I have such a bad case of cabin fever I just trudged out to my dumpster in an attempt to entertain myself.  Unfortunately, this is as far as I will go for what appears to be an indefinite amount of time.  Yes folks, my neck of the woods is experiencing another, “spring,” blizzard, and this one is a real humdinger.  It’s so severe out there that during my morning constitutional it dawned on me that I may not want to walk all the way to the side of the barn where the dumpster is located.  Basically, when visibility is so poor you find it hard to see something the size of a barn it’s probably time to call it a day.  However this manic lady was determined to throw away her trash while spending some time outside....even if I had to tie a rope around my waist in order to find home again.  I’m considering taking another stroll later when the dog has to go out.  That journey should be less perilous, considering I believe she has a much better sense of direction than I ever will.
   All joking aside, this weather is terrible.  As a result, town has almost completely closed down.  Considering where I live this is almost unheard of.  We are people of the northern plains for God’s sake!  A place where every local wears a Carhartt and Mad Bomber hat while driving their pickup truck made snow plow.  Admittedly, my household alone has all of these things plus a couple of skid loaders.  Considering this, my boyfriend and I still aren’t attempting to leave home today.  I repeat, the weather is so foul it's keeping two people at home who brave every blizzard in order to slack off at the cheap seats.  People...there is no better proof that it’s bad out there.
   I suppose the upside to this weather is that it's giving me the opportunity to catch up on posting my stockpile of winter ensembles.  I was starting to become concerned that I would be featuring fur coats during seventy degree weather.  Looking at the above images now, I’m reminded that there are a few advantages to colder weather.  For example, the vintage faux fur coat I’m wearing in these pictures was an extremely lucky Savers find that still leaves me on the edge of hysteria.  I scored this baby for only twenty bucks and I can confidently state I don’t think any article of clothing makes me feel more glamorous. 
   I look at these pictures now and marvel at the fact that I haven’t taken one self-portrait since Easter Sunday.  Seriously, the weather on the weekends has been so bad I’ve barely even bothered to change out of my jammies.  For a minute, I feared I may be losing interest in the art of personal style.  However, then I found myself in the middle of another blizzard Netflix binge of, “Grace And Frankie,” and I happily acknowledge that I’m just biding my time until I can construct the perfect hybrid look of modern hippie meets nautical.  Needless to say, it’s most likely going to be an odd looking summer. 
   Of course today it’s probable that I will be sporting jammies with my old Mad Bomber hat…a little gem in my closet that pumps my personality with something more like grit than glamour.  If I find myself outside later I anticipate trying to find shelter in the barn, rather than using it as a picture backdrop.  Lastly, I hope to endure this…what I hope to be…last little bit of winter with some style and, “Grace,” because as soon as summer hits it’s most likely going to be a mess of, “Frankie,” all over this place.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Singing Those Ellen Brody Blues

   It’s snowing…again.  As a result, I decided I had better get up and write this blog post before I’m trapped in another winter funk.  For example, I just ripped myself away from the sucking pit known as YouTube, where suddenly I found myself watching an unnerving amount of Tommy James & The Shondells performances.  I had no idea how well the shimmery finale of, “Crimson and Clover,” would pair with a blizzard outside.  Honestly, thank God I have cats who randomly decide to pounce on me otherwise that hypnotic experience might have gone on forever.
   The weather here has been so poor lately I find myself grasping for any indication of a coming summer.  For example, my obsession with nautical themed apparel seems to have reached a new high.  I find myself constantly perusing websites in the endless conquest for sailor stripes.  In fact, my new clothing criteria seems to be the question, “Does that red stripe print look like the beach building Michael was painting in, “Jaws 2?”  By the time July finally arrives in the Midwest it will be a miracle if I don’t look exactly like the character Ellen Brody.  Okay, who am I kidding?  It would be a dream come true if I DO look like Ms. Brody.  I love her!
   Keeping this new style plan in mind, I’m finding it nearly impossible to fight the overwhelming urge to internet shop today.  I mean...I’m stuck at home, totally at the mercy of this spring squall, with only the thoughts of a new and exciting, “Jaws,” inspired wardrobe to keep me warm.  How am I supposed to combat these urges?
   Instead of immediately giving in to, “buying myself a little happy,” I’m attempting to write this post about an outfit I constructed a while back out of clothes I already possess.  Yeah, that’s the ticket, I should be focusing all this style inspiration on my existing closet and the mountains of crap I already own…crap, that admittedly does not look like the wardrobe of one fabulous Ellen Brody…which is probably why I’m now convinced my wardrobe is crap.
   Despite the fact that I'm obviously totally fickle when it comes to style, I have to state that looking at these pictures now I still really like the thrifted blazer I’m wearing.  It was one of those things I scavenged out of a crammed rack and thought, “I can wear this absolutely everywhere!”  Of course, I’m ashamed to admit I have not.  Unfortunately, like many of my favorite pieces, this is one of those jackets that has been pushed to the side to make room for more, “practical pieces.”  It’s like my brain figures I need a special occasion to justify wearing a furry collar.  Looking out my window now I can’t help but recognize there is no better occasion to pile on fur than an unrelenting winter.  In the past I've felt guilty about the amount of fuzzy numbers in my closet.  I would catch myself wondering, “Where the hell am I going to wear all of this fancy stuff?  People at the library are really going to start staring at me.”  However, looking at the shit storm currently outside, I can’t think of a more appropriate wardrobe.  My fur coats allow me to survive and look semi stylish.
   Huh…I guess for the time being I have all the clothes I need.  I would assume that even Ellen Brody had to throw on a jacket once in a while when it got cold.  I like to think that maybe she would have borrowed one from me. 