Sunday, October 2, 2016

Power to the Pod People!

    Recently, I went on an outing with a good friend of mine.  On this particular evening we were kindly invited to check out Sioux Falls’ own Paisley Pod Mobile Boutique.  “What the heck is that,” you ask.  Well, let me tell you!
   The Paisley Pod is literally what it sounds like.  It’s a clothing store on wheels!  Upon checking out the website I came across the description, “Think food truck, but fashion.”  Could I possibly enjoy this more than falafel,” I wondered.  Doubtful, but I was willing to try.
   Upon entering the Pod, I braced myself for disappointment.  I want to explain this statement by clarifying I can be a real snob when it comes to apparel.  I'm obsessed with the quest of unique and handmade vintage.  I love the idea of styling outfits out of items nobody else is wearing…items nobody necessarily should ever wear…items someone wore decades ago and finally came to their senses and got rid of.  Yes, these are the type of garments I’m in search of.  I rarely step outside of my dark and often musty box of vintage fringe, sequins, and shoulder pads in order to see what the people of 2016 are purchasing new. 
   Despite the fact that The Pod was a far cry from my usual scene, I was pleasantly surprised to find some items I seemed not to be able to live without.  The night concluded with a new pair of earrings and some of the coolest leggings I’ve ever seen being introduced into my closet.  I decided to feature both of these items in the photographs above.
   I’m always shocked when I find new clothes that I want to purchase.  This is not a statement I’m proud to admit.  However, it's something I’ll own up to.  I’m not saying I NEVER buy new clothing.  I’m simply very particular on what I choose.  Occasionally I’ll find myself in the mall and I’ll be stunned by how great the selection at The Limited is.  “Why am I so attracted to this,” I think while holding a cardigan that is identical to twenty others on the rack.  In addition, just last year I walked by The Express and was in awe of their selection of paisley Boho dresses.  From a distance I could have sworn they were vintage!  Even better they were only a fraction of the, “real deal’s,” price.  “Can I buy this and still live up to fashionista standards,” I questioned.  “Nah,” I decided.
   Now all I can think is, “What an idiot!”  I look at these pictures and wonder why the heck I’ve been such a punk.  I absolutely love my Paisley Pod leggings and am convinced that despite the fact they're not 1980's vintage they are still something worthy of an outfit inspired by Patti Smith.  In fact, the likelihood of me finding pants of this caliber that are legitimately vintage is near zero since anyone cool enough to own them at that time would probably still be wearing them today while hanging out in the same dark corner of the CBGB building. 
   I guess my overall point is, “Hipsters don’t be limited by your own hang-ups!”  Just because other people are wearing it doesn’t mean you can’t as well.  Perhaps, other people are wearing it because it’s seriously cool.  Likewise, maybe the rest of society has abandoned shoulder pads because they’re obnoxious.  Yes obnoxious, much like one’s breath after eating falafel off a food truck.  Now, if I could only talk the ladies of The Paisley Pod into selling that as well…Yep, me and my shoulder pads would be there all the time…undoubtedly in search of cucumber sauce and a larger pair of leggings.  

Cardigan:  Free People
T-Shirt:  Hellz Bellz  
Leggings:  (Purchased at The Paisley Pod)
Shoes:  Libby Edelman
Purse:  Matt & Nat
Earrings:  (Purchased at The Paisley Pod)
Sunglasses:  Vintage  (Playboy)

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