Sunday, May 22, 2016

A Haute Hang-Up (Project Lydia)

   It occurred to me the other day that it’s been quite a while since I’ve written specifically about what I’m interested in.  In fact, I’ll take that statement even further by clarifying it’s been a long time since I’ve even had time to consider what I like.  Rather suddenly, I find myself with a lot of free time.  In the past this has proven to be a negative thing for this admitted worry wart.  However, this time I'm committed to treating this period of down time as a gift.  I mean, "Hey, most gifts are surprises, right?"
   I think it’s pretty obvious that blogging is something I really enjoy.  During this last week it's been a most welcome distraction from the questions that lie ahead.  I can’t tell you what a luxury it’s been to be able to turn off my brain and think of frivolous things like, “What is my new Haute Hang-Up?”  I was surprised to identify this as something I’ve been overlooking for quite some time.  I’m pleased by the fact that I’ve taken notice of an accessory that I wear so often I simply forget about it.  Maybe I’ve finally found one of those style items that inherently defines me.  See, down time philosophizing can be full of gifts.
   As a result of all this deep thinking, I decided that my new, "Haute Hang-Up," is the fair trade jewelry of Project Lydia.  Let me explain that Project Lydia is an organization that helps East African women, who have been abandoned or widowed, overcome adversity.  Not only does Project Lydia teach a skilled trade to these women, it allows them to form a support system among their peers.  Through purchasing this jewelry, made from vibrantly colorful recycled paper, an individual can feel confident about contributing to a group of people in great need.  Not only that, but these pieces are just so cool!
   Sitting here now I question why I haven’t previously featured the jewelry of Project Lydia on this blog.  I hate to admit it but I can’t get away from the idea that I felt like fair trade jewelry is just not glamorous enough for a fashion blogger.  I guess I’ve always had it in my head that a real style blogger is required to spend major, "moolah," on their accessories.  However, lately with all the unexpected events happening, I find myself questioning a lot of things.  I've come to the conclusion that life doesn’t have to be a certain way just because I’m used to it being that way.  Change can be positive, even if it’s unexpected.  Simultaneously, just because things have altered doesn’t mean one has to completely abandon their previous perspectives.  Basically the philosophy is, new is good but that doesn’t mean that the old was bad.  Whew, why do I get the feeling that wasn’t just about jewelry? 
   Anyway, I chose Project Lydia’s jewelry as my new, "Haute Hang-Up," because I wear a piece of it almost every day.  Is it the most impressive accessories I own?  No.  However, it’s probably the most diverse.  I recommend Project Lydia pieces as a base item.  As you can see in the pictures above, their bracelets are fantastic for stacking and easy to combine with any other jewelry one may own.  For example, I chose to combine one of my more expensive bracelets into the mix to help give a higher end feel to this look, while still creating a lot of volume at a low cost.  While I featured only the bracelets of Project Lydia in this post I believe it’s worth mentioning they have an awesome assortment of recycled paper necklaces as well.  I'm absolutely addicted to a blue one I purchased a while back and plan to use the same technique of combining pieces in order to give it a more expensive feel.
   In conclusion, here I sit loaded down with jewelry and nowhere to go.  I contemplate why it took me so long to realize how much I like the pieces of Project Lydia.  I also question where I may have it on in the future.  The only thing I do know is I have some wonderful memories of wearing it in the past.  With all the changes that have been going on lately in my life it's comforting to know that these good memories are one thing that will always remain constant.

Outfit #1
Vest:  Thrifted 
Jeans:  Liverpool
Moccasins:  Minnetonka
Sunglasses:  Vintage  (Anne Klein)

Outfit #2
Jumpsuit:  Anne Taylor LOFT  (Lou & Grey)

Both Outfits Include
Stacked Bracelets:  Project Lydia
Statement Bracelet:  Johnny Loves June
Purse:  Vintage  (Sharif)

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