Saturday, March 24, 2018

Praying for Primavera

   To begin, I feel I should clarify the word, “Primavera,” used in the title of this post is a referral to the Italian term for spring, not the pasta dish.  However, facing this new bout of wintry weather, a carb-loaded dish like pasta sounds downright irresistible.  Huh,…I wonder if I have any easy mac left in the cupboards?  Considering how motivated I’ve been lately towards tasks like grocery shopping, it may take an actual act of God to find anything edible in my house.  As a result, I guess one could say I’m praying for both spring and something for dinner that doesn’t have the word, "Tombstone," plastered over the front of it.  At this time, both of these requests appear far-fetched.
   Honestly, the topic of religion has been on my mind lately.  Don’t worry, I’m not about to go all preachy.  In fact, if you know me personally you would most likely be shocked if I did.  However, the one thing I will state…and this will probably be the only time I do so…is that if you know me really, really personally…and very few do.  Apparently, us introverts only feel comfortable confessing our true self through blog posts….then you are aware of the fact that I am a very spiritually reflective person.  However this side of me is something I keep extremely private…like most of the things in my life that I highly value.  What can I say?  I guess I selfishly hoard the best parts of me.
   The reason I have spirituality on my mind today is due to the first image of this post.  Recently I created a Pinterest board regarding religious imagery mixed with fashion.  It sounds totally sinful, right?  Honestly, when I created it I seriously feared I might be doing something karmically wrong.  “Is it okay to depict religion through something as trifling as fashion?” I worried.  This is the kind of stuff I concern myself with.  I think it’s probably obvious why I need spring to arrive so I can get out of the house and think about…well…anything else.  In the end, I came to the conclusion that my Pinterest board was not a morality issue and a fiery Old Testament God would not accuse me of idolatry.  Besides, this would have happened a long time ago since I’ve been worshiping the golden interlocking Gucci logo for years now.
   As a result of my decision to create, what I found to be a pretty edgy Pinterest board, I was inspired to take the first photograph of this post.  Actually it was just a happy accident that occurred between a pretty great thrifted scarf and a lot of glamour glow filter.  In the end this picture felt rather spiritual to me and my karma felt good with it. 
   Of course, I suppose it could be argued that God is pissed at me for trying to portray spirituality through my own image and possibly this is why we simply can’t get past this hellish winter.  However, I prefer to believe that God is fine with this hippie’s visual representation of inner peace.  I also believe that God is more than good with Gucci’s logo.  I guess it’s a good thing I can’t afford any of Gucci’s actual apparel considering all of the primavera I’m going to be eating.


  1. You are a divinity of jackets, lady. Where and who did that piece come from? This Winter/Spring switch always works extra on the old existential heart strings for me, and every year the current is deeper. I do love your pinterest board and see where your concern can from. But, isn't that the whole point of art and spirituality? To get concerned, bothered, baffled, awe struck, and sometimes frightened. For whatever its meaning is I guess thats how I know its working. The mixture of fashion and religion have always been that sacred and profane duality of humanity that is so damned fascinating. I don't think either can exist without the other nor should they. They were made for each other and by each other and keep perpetuating each other. Sorry, I love the subject and could blather ad nauseum. Your work and topics, as always, are beautiful and on point. For a great pinterest wormhole check out Navajo Witches.

    1. Oh man...I can't believe I didn't see this comment earlier. Thank you again for all the kind words! The jacket is an old thrifted United Colors of Benetton piece. I LOVE that brand. Their campaigns from the 80s and 90s were so great! There used to be an actual store I would go to in Duluth MN but it closed long ago. Now I think you can only find United Colors across the pond...unless there's one in Kansas?! Again, thank you for taking the time to check out not only my pictures but my weird rants. Also, I can't wait to check out Navajo Witches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
