Sunday, November 12, 2017 love with this dress!

   Sometimes when I’m sitting here in the library, I wonder if people think I’m crazy.  I swear I can hear them thinking, “What’s with the hooker lipstick?  It’s only two in the afternoon and we’re in a library for crying out loud.”  In response I’d like to say, “Hey, people, give a lady a break.  I just took blog pictures in the park and nothing shows up better on camera than a little of Rimmel's, “Metallic Seduction.”  Of course this statement would not help improve the status of my sanity.  I'm well aware of the fact that a near forty year old stalking around the park taking glamour shots is a tad off.  What’s even more sad is when the individual in question is willing to fight off Canada geese in order to do so.  My God, those buggers can be aggressive...and in hoards they can be rather intimidating.  Of course, they don’t hold a candle to this blogger on a mission.  I say, “Bah!” to taking pictures of wildlife in the park.  I’ve got a fantastic scarf to feature and I’m willing to fight for the perfect backdrop.  Let me tell you, in the end those birds chose to beat it.
   Of course, while I was fighting fowl in the forest most people in my neck of the woods are fixated on football.  Just this morning my boyfriend asked me, “Why can’t you just sit at home and watch the game today?”  It seemed obvious to me that watching a football game while wearing, “Metallic Seduction,” was just silly, but apparently this concept is not clear to others.  I mean, I understand why I have it on in the public library, but while watching football?  That’s just garish.
   Writing this now, in the calmness of a near empty library…like I said it’s football day in the Midwest…I can’t help but reflect on the pictures featured in the post above.  I believe I felt silly for overdressing on that afternoon too.  If I remember correctly I had absolutely nothing to do but get groceries that day.  I went to my closet and was instantly drawn to the dress I'm wearing.  It was a recent Goodwill find that I had been dying to take out on the town…except the town was providing nowhere exciting for me to go…so I decided to take it to Walmart…and let’s face it, to Goodwill again in the hopes that its’ original owner might have dropped off some additional adorable items.  As a side note, if I were to teach a class on thrifting this would be one of the tips I would lecture on.  If one is lucky enough to find a piece they're in love with at the thrift store, chances are quite good this item was dropped off in a bag full of additional garments that will equally suit your fancy.  This statement reminds me of an exciting thrifting trip where I happened to stumble onto the best paisley vintage skirt I had ever seen…until I found another…and another!  To this day I still give thanks to the old hippie who cleaned out her closet that week.
   Unfortunately, I never did find the rest of the items from the original owner of this blue dress.  Maybe it was the only thing that person dropped off.  I think of it like a shooting star.  It was original and fleeting and obviously it made my dreams come true.  Okay…admittedly that’s a bit much, but I do love this dress.  Not only does it fit me like a glove, it’s vintage ‘80s Sasson which makes me crazy.  There's nothing better than 1980's Sasson or Jordache.  Aah…I can hear the Motley Crue blaring over the hiss of an Aqua Net can.  
   I think it's notable to mention a few years before acquiring this dress I had a close call with my ethics that revolved around a Sasson piece.  On this particular occasion I'd been organizing donated clothes at a local homeless shelter.  No really…I was…I didn’t just put that sentence in to make me appear more socially conscious.  Anyhow, this next statement will take away any charity points I just earned.  As I was hanging coats for residents to choose from I came across the most amazing ‘80s burgundy faux fur Sasson jacket.  It was truly a stunner.  At that moment I literally found myself tempted to steal from a shelter.  With shaking fingers I remember hanging the coat on the rack and rushing to another project before my integrity was lost forever.  I guess, I like to believe my Sasson dress was a karmic reward for doing the right thing.  Of course, to be honest, this dress doesn’t look as good with, “Metallic Seduction,” as that coat would have.  However, who cares when you’re too ashamed to look at your own face.

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