“Whew!” Well, that was weird. I’m sad to report that last week was the
first in, “Little House Of Haute,” history that I did not publish a blog post. I simply didn’t feel like it. Let’s take a moment to reflect on that. Last week was the first time since this blog’s
2014 inception that I didn’t feel like rambling on about mindless crap. What has the world become?!
To be totally honest I was still babbling
gibberish last Sunday. However, it was to real people instead of a computer
screen. Tonight I sit here pondering which form of communication I prefer.
While it was definitely nice to have some people…actually, it turned out
to be a whole lot of people…which started to freak me out after a while…over to
the house for the holiday weekend, I will state, this creature of habit is much more
comfortable talking at an empty Word document.
After last weekend’s socializing extravaganza this exhausted blogger
found herself literally out of things to say.
The odd thing about shirking last week’s
post was that it felt totally natural.
All this week I waited for feelings of regret, intense guilt, or even a
random lightning bolt to hit me. However
nothing ever happened! I skipped my
weekly post and the world kept turning! “My
God!” I wondered. “Maybe I could do this more often.”
While I think it's fairly obvious I immensely enjoy writing, what I
consider, witty commentaries on my life it does take an enormous
amount of time. It also has occurred to
me that other personal style bloggers…"eh hem"…much more successful in the field never
seem to write much to accompany their pictures.
Perhaps that’s one of the reasons they prosper. They don’t put their readers through a weekly
endurance test. Lastly, I've been really ruminating on the idea that all the time I’ve spent writing these posts I could have probably been
actually telling these anecdotes to real people…like face to face. Basically, blogging has hurt my social life
in a big way.
Right….because I would’ve been out on the
town every time I was blogging. Okay yeah, that’s not even slightly believable.
However, I will state sometimes I do find these mini essays to be a
chore. Especially when I could be
reading that insane thriller novel I just started or catching up on the next
episode of, “Lost In Space.” In
addition, Instagram certainly makes it easy to continue posting glamour shots
while not committing to a lengthy commentary.
Of course, we all know the madness of, “Little
House Of Haute,” will not end. I just
can’t part with it. It’s played too big
of a role in my leisure life. What in
the world would I do without it? I
suppose I could go record shopping. In
fact, the day I took the above pictures that’s exactly what I did and I had a
wonderful time. However you can be damn
sure I got my blog post written before I did it.
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