Sunday, June 17, 2018

That hat!

   I’ve always been hot for hats.  Basically, I’ve never been that impressed with my hair. As a result, I’ve found hats to be a great way to shake things up a bit.  For example, currently I’m in the middle of a hair crisis.  I recently decided to grow out my beloved bangs.  Admittedly, this decision was one made out of pure laziness.  I miss one hair appointment and suddenly your whole identity is off the rails!  Not only am I going through that ugly, "in-between," phase with the front of my head, I decided I didn’t want to spend the extra cash to color such a messed up mane.  As a result, currently my hair is almost at its’ natural color.  This is something I’ve not been able to state since I was about fifteen years old.  
   I must add, it’s a tad unnerving to be confronted with my unaltered self.  All I can say is, “Thank you camera apps!” At least technology allows me to twist the color of my hot mess into something less morose.  In addition, it seems unfair that upon finally accepting my natural hair color I’m slapped with the reality that I’m starting to go grey!  There's this pesky little patch towards the front of my face that seems to be multiplying by the minute.  I can only hope to get some bad ass white streaks in the future.  If not soon, this lady will, "just say no," to natural.
   Of course currently I'm fully engaged in the idea of my boho hippie summer.  Ironically, I'm daring to expose a bit of my true self while furiously trying to cover it up with accessories.  Honestly, I believe a lady can never have too many hats…at least one who is growing out her bangs and swiftly coming up on the age of forty.  The hat I’m wearing in the above photographs is a definite favorite of mine.  I can’t help but feel a little, "Glamour meets Country Joe and the Fish," every time I put it on. 
   In the end I think that’s the best thing about a hat.  One can change their persona simply by putting it on.  Maybe there will come a time when I won’t feel the overwhelming urge to digitally alter my self-portraits.  Maybe the key to finding one’s ideal identity is as simple as changing a hat.  

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