I’ve recently decided there's
nothing that pisses me off more than a bad internet connection. I can hear it now, “Poor Raine…this is what
my special man friend calls me...the worst thing in her life is that she can’t sign into her Instagram account to see how many, “likes,” her latest blog
picture got.” While I get seriously
annoyed by the endless teasing I’ve had to endure from my totally, "unplugged," companion, I have to admit his comments regarding my addiction to the interwebs
are quite valid. It’s true…if I can’t access my social media accounts I feel panicked. God forbid people are allowed to forget about
me for a day!
The whole idea of this obsession with
socialization is quite strange for me considering most of my, “real life," free time is spent either alone or with the aforementioned gentlemen…who I noticed today
can annoy me with simply the sound of his chewing…who knew fried chicken could
be so freaking LOUD?! Side note: if the
simple act of someone else’s eating is starting to push your buttons you may
need to spend an afternoon apart once in a while. Of course it’s…wait, hold on a second…what
My God, I think the chewing noises were less irritating than Sam
Waterston’s voice turned up to way above 11.
Mentioning Sam Waterston reminds me of an
episode of, “Grace and Frankie,” where a computer technician is attempting to
explain the concept of the internet to the oblivious Luddite character of
Frankie. Basically, the technician states that posting something online should not be perceived as a personal
conversation, but rather something more like screaming into the void. I found this idea rather profound… and embarrassing
since this technology amateur has always considered posting a much more
intimate experience.
Unfortunately this concept of, “force
feeding information to anyone who will listen,” has stuck with me. As a result,
my blog writing experience has changed.
The whole thing just feels less special. In addition, there's nothing more lonely than realizing you’re actually speaking to nobody…for like years.
At the same time, there's a certain sense
of relief that comes with the idea that it doesn’t matter what kind of gobbledygook
one comes up with while blogging. Yes, there's a freedom one feels with the realization that this is not a
conversation and things don’t have to make sense. In addition, it's fantastic to be able to blather on about a bunch of opinions without anyone else interjecting their… “okay, now what the hell was that noise?! Great..yep…that is definitely the sound of
one of my animals barfing…probably from the fifth consecutive, “Law &
Order,” episode they’ve had to endure watching.
I’ve got to go clean that up…but how was I going to end this thing? Did I even discuss the outfit I’m wearing in
the above photographs? Man, that sounds
kind of bad. How much grass did Shelby
wolf down the last time I took her potty?
I better wrap this up quick. Uh...yep, it sure is nice to be able to scream into that void with no unwanted
interruptions from the outside.”
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