Friday, April 20, 2018

Little Girl Blue

   Sometimes it just feels so darn good to be right.  I’ve always been a big advocate of the idea that accessories can carry an outfit.  Deep stuff to ponder, I know.  However, when one is working with a limited wardrobe this concept can be super handy.  I can hear my friends now, “Limited wardrobe?!  Who is she trying to kid?”  While I’ll admit to having more choices in my closet than the average bear, I have to argue that none of that matters when the bear in question is battling the frozen tundra I've been living in.  Basically, while spending one's winter on the plains, an individual  should be solely concerned with finding a durable look that endorses survival.  No wonder a polar bear has the gall to wear white after Labor Day!  Okay yeah…that last comment was pretty lame.
   Anyhow, it’s usually during the cold weather months…which where I'm at largely outnumber the warm ones…that I start to feel unworthy of labeling myself a, “personal style blogger.”  I mean, how much styling is really going on with the, "jeans and sweater look?"  This last statement makes me think back to an article I once read regarding style blogging that stated something like, "Concerning blogging, there is very little actual fashion being shown."  The writer continued by commenting that many so-called, "fashionistas," are actually just attractive people taking pretty pictures in rather, “meh,” clothing.  “Uh oh,” I thought.  “Well, I guess I better hope I’m good enough looking to at least pull that off!” 
   While I’m aware that there are much more compelling personal style blogs out there than, “Little House Of Haute,” I have always felt like I possess, at least a small amount, of skill when it comes to constructing my outfits…even if they do only consist of jeans and an overcoat.  I’m reminded of a time when a total stranger approached me and stated, “You have a real talent with accessorizing.”  I delighted in the idea that my style sense inspired someone I didn’t even know.
   This being stated, many of my ensembles lately have been totally constructed out of functional boring crap.  Due to the miserable weather this has pretty much been my standard winter uniform.  The only way I’ve been able to make my outfits even remotely interesting has been through accessories.  For example, the concept of belting my winter coats was something I recently stumbled on.  I saw this idea featured in a, “Hugo Boss,” campaign and I swear it’s changed my life completely.  Suddenly my frumpy wool frocks have transformed into something a tad more, “fashion blog worthy.”  It’s like, “Hey, that girl has some style!  Look at how she belted that thing!  She had to put some thought into that!" Yeah, I know it’s a stretch but please give it to me.  My blogger confidence is clinging to this idea.
   Lastly, I believe there’s really nothing more effective than the basic, “matchy-matchy,” concept.  For instance, regarding the pictures above, I had a pretty boring outfit until I threw on an oversized scarf that's color complimented my eyes.  I then color coordinated that scarf with my favorite Michael Kors bag and suddenly I had something to work with.  If anything, I can simply hope to get a compliment on the purse alone.  You see, it’s just that one compliment that can encourage this fashion enthusiast to keep going…or at the very least to continue the quest for designer purses.  Who knows, maybe that next handbag will be the one that truly transforms me into a real fashion blogger.

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