Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Cover...ed up Girl

   Well, I’m back.  I think last weekend was only the second Sunday in the four years I’ve been blogging that I’ve failed to post.  However, in my defense, it simply didn’t seem right to be blogging on Christmas Eve about the frivolous crap I amuse myself with.  Yeah, that’s the ticket.  I missed posting this weekend out of respect for the holiday.  Okay that, and I was too busy feeding my face with all the delicious food my relatives were slaving away on.  I couldn't even consider my mouth being used for anything but eating.  I sure wasn’t going to pause long enough to discuss what I was wearing.  Mostly because by the end of yesterday it was doubtful I was ever going to fit in my clothes again.  Oh how I loathe you cookies and cream pudding!  Of course, I can’t be too upset about all of the goodies I gorged on because...Hey, it’s winter in South Dakota.  The time to beef up is now people!  
   Obviously I'm fiercely trying to justify my gluttony.  However, as I was driving the near deserted country roads last night from my parent’s house it occurred to me how easy it could be for one to freeze to death.  Seriously though, if one really thinks about it a woman driving alone at night, on a desolate highway, in temperatures nearing ten below zero is either the prelude to a horror movie or a survivalist flick.  As I was pondering this potential predicament I found myself thinking, “Well, I think I ate enough pork roast to make it until morning.”
   All joking aside, as of late, my neck of the woods is COLD.  It's this time of year I find to be the most challenging when regarding my wardrobe.  Honestly it’s hard to look cute when all one wants to wear is a snowsuit.  Of course, I've refrained from resorting to such a ridiculous look.  Instead I've opted for a near ludicrous layering technique.  Basically, I’m just putting on as much crap from my closet as I can in order to stay warm.  Admittedly, this is not a new style for me.  Back in the days when I was living in Fargo, ND I perfected the art of layering.  During that time I was notorious for donning the bulky sweater on sweater look.  I found that the layering of over-sized sweaters can be surprisingly flattering as long as one sticks to a well-coordinated color palette.
   I will never forget the time in college I was hanging out at this lousy dive bar and some drunk idiot came up to me stating, “Wow, you’re really pretty and I can’t figure out why.”  At that moment my equally drunk ass was kind of flattered.  “Oh, he thinks I’m pretty!” my still juvenile mind marveled.  The brazened stranger continued with, “I can’t figure out why because you’re wearing two huge ugly sweaters and I can’t even tell what your body looks like.  I mean, what girl wears that on a Saturday night at the bar?”  In a perfect world I would have responded, “A girl living in Fargo in January who’s looking for booze, not boys.”   Instead I think I just giggled and acted flattered with his asinine banter.  However the one thing I did take away from this ridiculous encounter, and others like it, is the idea that one can still look attractive while totally covering up…which is good since covering up is what I do best. 
   Of course, the pictures above are from earlier this fall when I didn’t have to cover up so completely in order to stay alive.  As I look at them I long for the days that denim will be the only barrier my arms need from the elements.  I miss flirty knee length skirts and bohemian style boots.  I can’t wait to expose my ears with the gaudiest earrings I own.  All this being said, I will state nothing hides a half pound of pork better than a beautiful Italian wool sweater.


  1. The cookies and cream pudding sound very tempting. Clod weather like you have up there can be scary indeed. I find the cold scary where here I live (Long Island, New York) - it's warmed up to a toasty 18 degrees here in the middle of the day. I can't even imagine how cold it must feel where you are. I hope you keep taking precautions to stay safe and warm even in emergencies.
    You look pretty, extremely fashionable, slim and shapely in your outfit photos. I love the look of that skirt and how it looks styled with the stylish western shirt.


    1. Oops! Sorry about the typo - I failed to proof-read. Obliviously I meant to type "Cold" and not "Clod". I feel like a clod for having typed that. :-/ :)
