Sometimes I’ll put an outfit together and
upon inspecting the blog pictures representing it I’ll notice I literally
created a character with clothing. The style constructed in the pictures above is a perfect example. This particular day I decided to unveil
my newly thrifted vintage, plaid Pendleton blazer. Side note:
Thank you 2015 for the return of plaid!
Oh, how I missed you! Of
course, this year’s plaid is much different than the plaid I was sporting back
in 1995. Yep, back in the good old days
of Grunge I was doing the full on lumberjack meets metal head look. There wasn’t a band t-shirt out there I
couldn’t match with at least two plaid flannel shirts and a, “Grandpa,” mohair
cardigan. Of course, back then I was probably often mistaken for an ax wielding dude from Alaska considering I
refused to wear makeup and often wore clothes that were two sizes too
big. Now that I’m in my mid-thirties I
find myself caring a bit more about my appearance. I want to look like a lady and not just
another, “bro,” from the backwoods with a passion for Soundgarden and chintzy facial hair. Wait,…what?
Okay, to explain, when a woman gets to a certain age she finds herself concerned with things like possibly growing a beard. Basically, if I can wear a petite feminine
blazer to help counteract any weird masculine mutations I may form in the
coming years, I’m going to do it.
Hence, the outfit I constructed above. Looking at these photographs now, all I can
think is, “Huh, I must have been seriously checking out Ralph Lauren ads that week.” I mean, how
equestrian can one get without realizing it?
Pretty sure I was cruising the RL website regularly at the
time since I believe I shot these pictures around Black Friday. If you weren’t already aware, I’m here to tell
you that Ralph Lauren has some of the most fantastic sales available. I suggest trolling the site
for most of the year in order to prepare for what you’re going to purchase on
that monumental day. Don’t laugh, those
sales get competitive and there’s not much time to think. However, I must have been thinking more than I was
aware, because looking at these pictures I obviously had
some serious subconscious inspiration from that website.
Overall, I’m extremely pleased with the way
this outfit turned out. Despite the fact
that I feel like I’m a character preparing for an annual foxhunt, I really like
this casual, yet polished, version of plaid. It’s a far cry from the teenage girl wearing
the white and purple flannel tied around her waist. Not that I don’t respect that girl for the
fashion faux pas she always owned up to.
Without her I wouldn’t be the lady I am today. This woman is an everyday lady of the plains who sometimes dreams of being a character of pedigree, riding on a horse, readying herself for the big
hunt. Of course, in this case the hunt would
not actually included stalking down some poor unsuspecting animal. That just seems barbaric. Actually, my hunt would probably not
include me on a horse since it’s been quite a long time since I’ve ridden and I
could see that being a pretty messy affair.
Okay, so really my character would just stand around the stables in her
vintage plaid jacket and try to look fabulous.
Maybe I could also have one of those riding crops to carry around,
purely as a prop of course. Man, why
does every aspect of this outfit seem to lead to the subject of animal
cruelty? I know next time I wear plaid, instead of wearing a
band-t, I’ll put on one of my WWF shirts. Now that’s WWF as in World Wildlife Fund, not
some crazy wrestling thing. That’s a
whole other outfit…which also could probably include the riding crop. Wait…what?
Blazer: Vintage (Pendleton)
Jeans: James Jeans
Boots: Born
Purse: Matt
& Nat
Scarf: Thrifted
Belt: Vintage (Hand-me-down from Dad)