Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Haute Hall of Fame (Mallory Keaton)

   Introducing the second inductee to, "The Haute Hall of Fame," Mallory Keaton from the beloved '80s television sitcom, "Family Ties."  To begin, I want to explain that the style icons chosen for, "The Haute Hall of Fame," posts are in no particular order.  If they were, I would most certainly have a few of my favorite ladies named before Miss Mallory Keaton.  This being stated, I have been watching a lot of, "Family Ties," since I discovered it was available on the Netflix Watch it Instantly feature.  Watching this show again has brought back a lot of great memories from my childhood.  I remember thinking back then that Mallory Keaton had, "rad," style and even today I find myself reaffirming, "yeah, that girl was, "fierce."
   While her character was portrayed as the dimwitted, shallow, and boy crazy stereotype that most "Fashionistas" are labeled with, Mallory Keaton deserves credit for what she was good at.  It is obvious for most fashion conscious individuals to see that her major talent was how she dressed.  One may laugh at this and disregard another's ability to style a fantastic outfit as petty and not worth regarding.  However, living in a society so obsessed with appearance, I believe that possessing the natural talents of styling and creating a persona through fashion is a skill worth acknowledging.  Keeping this in mind, I think this goes double when great style is timeless, as Mallory's look has remained admirable to this day.  
   So with Mallory on my mind I was inspired to go with a menswear themed outfit the day these photos were taken.  Like Mallory's character, I am a fan of ladies in masculine accessories such as, ties, suspenders, and over sized blazers.  I also wanted to give a nod to the fantastic '80s with a pair of ripped jeans.  I am pleased with the juxtaposition of my cruddy pants and formal hat and tie.  I could have never come up with this combination without the pioneer Mallory Keaton to inspire me.  Shallow or not, that girl had style and I want it too.  
"Sha la la la...."

Shirt:  GAP
Jeans:  Silver Jeans
Shoes:  Naturalizer
Tie:  Vintage (Valentino)
Ring:  Craft fair purchase
Setting of Last Photo:  ELOFSON  Check it out, it is one of my favorite local stores!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

A Haute Hang-Up (Jessica McClintock Gunne Sax Collection)

   As mentioned in previous posts, I fully admit I am a true creature of habit.  When I find something I like I am absolutely loyal to it.  Examples of this can be found in daily things like my stash of pistachios at every lunch and my regular table at the ONLY Starbucks I frequent in town.  Similar to these simple daily routines, my style obsessions also follow a pattern.  As a result, I introduce the first in a series of posts entitled, "A Haute Hang-Up."  I plan for these posts to feature my current fashion, "must haves."  I figure this is supposed to be a blog about style, right?
   So in keeping with the topic at hand I would like to formally introduce my current Haute Hang-Up the, "Jessica McClintock Gunne Sax Collection."  I am fairly new to this collection, but it is quickly becoming an obsession for me.  When I think about it I am not surprised to have fallen so quickly for this trend.  The, "Gunne Sax Collection," by Jessica McClintock was popular in the 1970s.  This line of apparel drew inspiration from, "prairie style," clothing and featured patterns of mostly calico, gingham, and lace.  I stumbled across these vintage treasures while trolling the internet for skirts with the perfect modest hemline.  Not only was I delighted by the length and structure of these little beauties, I loved the, "prairie style," theme!  I mean, I currently live on the plains, there has to be at least one fashion perk to this.  Calico city here I come!
   Lately, I find myself obsessed with finding these pieces.  A task, that I will state, is not so easy.  Not only is this collection rare because it is vintage, I have found it extremely hard to find these items in my size.  As is usually the case with vintage clothing, this collection runs small.  Actually, I would say it runs extremely small and Jessica McClintock may have thought she was designing for the actual pioneer women, instead of the fashion conscious ladies of the 70s.  To my dismay both the women of my mother's generation and, the even earlier, brave explorer's of the plains obviously did not eat as many Totino's party pizzas as I have.  I guess there was just not that much calico to go around.  As a result, my anticipated collection of, "Jessica McClintock Gunne Sax," skirts currently includes only the one pictured above.  However, my obsession for them continues and like those determined pioneers I will seek out this new territory of style in the quest for a better (looking) life.

Jacket:  Tulle
Skirt:  Vintage  (Jessica McClintock Gunne Sax)
Boots:  The FRYE Company
Purse:  Nine West
Ring:  Craft fair purchase
Sunglasses:  Versace

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Pride and Prudishness

   To say, "-r. does not do short," is a major understatement.  In fact, -r. has not exposed her knees to the public since about 1995.  This is a fact that at times catches her major grief, especially while working in a greenhouse, where often times she is nearly passing out from heat exhaustion but refuses to cuff the bottom of her jeans more than three times.  Yes, you could say -r. is a little bit shy about showing skin.
   Okay, that's enough of the creepy referring to myself in the third person routine.  However, what I stated above is totally true.  When choosing an outfit, I do not like to expose a lot of my body.  Over the years I have begun to realize how limiting this can be for an individual who loves fashion.  Due to my personal preference for prudish dressing, I have completely eliminated many of the staple pieces for the modern day, "Fashionista."  This particular blog will contain no summer pictures of me bare legged in a short sundress.  There will be no images of me frolicking in a field wearing a daisy chain and spaghetti strap tank top. Lastly, there is absolutely no possible way anything involving a poolside or swimsuit will ever be recorded on this blog for the public to witness. Some things are just not right.  
   I do want to make it clear, I am not criticizing anyone who is comfortable wearing these things.  In actuality, I envy these people.  There have been many times I have come across adorable items like a super seventies tube top and thought, "Wow, if only I had the guts..."  While fashion is about having some guts, it's also about having the gumption to create a look that is well suited to one's personality.  As free spirited as I would like to be, I must admit I am way too controlled of an individual to be prancing around in bustier tops and bikinis.  Hence, the title for this post is, "Pride and Prudishness."  I have finally accepted the fact that I am conservative when it comes to some aspects of appearance.  I am proud that I sometimes wear leggings under shorts.  I will readily admit I wear temporary tattoos when I want to feel, "tough."  Finally, if you ever see me poolside I will most likely be wearing a wet suit.  However, you can be damned sure it may be designed by Chanel.

Shirt:  7 for all mankind
Shorts:  Thrifted
Boots:  Hunter Boot Ltd
Necklace:  Vintage
Sunglasses:  COLE HAAN
Nail Polish:  Sally Hansen Insta-Dri (280 Rapid Red)

Sunday, June 8, 2014

"crazy lady with A cat"

   Have you ever had a moment in the middle of night where you are inexplicably beckoned from sleep?  I write beckoned because I am not not describing a situation where one is suddenly jolted from the depths of a nightmare.  I am referring to a situation where one may, for some unknown reason, calmly wake in the middle of a peaceful sleep with the sneaking suspicion that something is a little off.  I had one of these type of occurrences a few weeks ago and it is still making me smile.
   The reason I find this situation amusing is because upon my late night unexpected return to consciousness I looked across my bedroom and noticed a dark figure pulling a balancing act on the railing of our second story loft!  At the time, I was groggy and confused by this strange shape traveling at a fairly high rate of speed for such a perilous act.  I sat straight up in bed and screeched in horror when I realized this shape was in fact my beloved, but apparently suicidal cat.
   I was inspired to devote this post to him because of the scarf I wore the day I photographed the above images.  To be truthful, I have never considered myself a huge, "cat person."  Maybe I am just leery of the looming, "crazy cat lady," stigma all of us unwed thirty something women seemed destined for.  However, when it comes to my furry friend , it is of course a different story.  Without seeming too odd, I like to think of him as kind of magical.  He came to my boyfriend and I's doorstep as a stray one evening in the middle of a fairly severe rainstorm and seemed very certain that he was supposed to be living in our home.  He has a very expressive face and by the looks of it I can't help but wonder if he knows things I do not.  This certainly includes activities like witching hour trapeze acts while everyone else is sleeping.  Lastly, he is of course a cat and my astrological sign is Leo.  If that isn't magic, I don't know what is.  Reading this back to myself I fear I may actually be the, "crazy lady with A cat," rather than the, "crazy cat lady."
   This being stated, my cat remains a sort of mystery to me.  I don't know where he came from.  I'm not sure why he chose to stay with me .  I obviously have no idea what his activities involve while I am not around.  Above all, I cannot figure out that animal's mood swings.  I wonder if this is how my boyfriend feels about me?

Jeans:  Silver Jeans
Boots:  HUNTER Boot Ltd
Purse:  The Limited
Scarf:  Vintage (Elaine Gold)
Lipstick:  Rimmel Lasting Finish by Kate Moss (01)
Cat:  -c.

Sunday, June 1, 2014


   When it comes to fashion, I am a huge fan of the quaint, "handmade," look.  I used to pay corporate companies like, Free People, lots of, "moola," for pieces that reproduced this type of style.  Regardless of my endless affection towards this company and their products, one day it struck me, "why don't I pay individuals for the real deal?"  Wouldn't it be nice to attach a face and story to the garment I so admire?  I believe handmade items possess a certain character.  I like to think this character may embody some of the spirit of the artist who created it.  In each handmade piece, one can see the care and thoughtfulness of the individual who desinged it.  As an artist myself, I understand it is a privilege to possess another person's handmade item.  Therefore, such an item should always be worn with respect.
   This all being stated, the day I decided authentic handmade apparel was a great idea was the day I discovered Etsy on the internet.  I know I have mentioned this website in previous posts, but I cannot, "beat this dead horse," enough!  The day I discovered Etsy was the day this small town girl was able to expand her love of fashion to include the delightfully endless, and often quirky, world of global artisans.  For someone who thrives on the hunt of individual wardrobe pieces, Etsy rules supreme.  I have been struck literally speechless by some of the items I have purchased through this website.  In addition, I adore the personal touches each artist includes.  Usually this comes in the form of a handwritten note or piece of incense tucked into the package.  When one buys from Etsy, the transaction often has a personal touch that makes the product feel like a gift.
   Now I will admit, like any website, there are some disappointments.  Not every purchase can be flawless and it is always wise to read the customer reviews before purchasing from a seller.  Keeping this in mind, I have almost always had wonderful experiences with the sellers on Etsy and will continue to frequent their shops in the never ending quest for the most original wardrobe pieces on the planet.

Jacket:  Luna Chix
Jeans:  Silver Jeans
Boots:  ESPRIT
Purse:  Vintage  
Earrings:  Vance Kitira
Website:  Etsy