Sunday, April 27, 2014


   I am a huge advocate of the concept, "keeping it local."  I make a conscientious effort to frequent local restaurants, boutiques, and events whenever possible.  With the guilty exceptions of Starbucks, Savers, and Barnes & Noble there are few corporate haunts I inhabit.  
   Okay, so there are those few months in the depths of winter that I find myself walking the mall a lot.  Yeah, and T.J. Maxx is situated conveniently beside the mall, so that's just an easy stop.  Well, and of course, Wendy's drive thru is a total no-brainer when one is trying to appease a cranky boyfriend because you may have stayed out too late at the mall when you were supposed to be grocery shopping. Wait, I feel like I am loosing credibility here.  Let me try to redeem myself.  I ASPIRE to be a huge advocate of, "keeping it local."  That's worth something, isn't it?
   One of these opportunities presented itself a short while back when I attended a fashion show at a local lounge.  Now let me explain, due to my global location, fashion shows are few and far between.  That being stated, any time I see one of these type of events I try to be present.  This is true even if I am the aging part hipster, part wallflower standing in the back.  
   Despite my recent increased feelings of old age when confronted with bar culture, I had a fantastic time at this event.  I was delighted to see a menagerie of local socialites all interested in fashion, one of the topics I most enjoy.  It was refreshing to see the public's enthusiasm to support local businesses and designers.  Mostly, I enjoyed seeing what all these people were wearing to an event where fashion was key.  I love blogs regarding everyday, "street style," and if I weren't such a novice at blogging I would have approached some people about photographing their looks.  Take my word for it, the Midwest is, "representing," quite well.   So, I guess my point here is I want to urge people to aspire to be advocates of, "keeping it local."  Look around the next time you are quietly sipping your Sprite in the back of bumping nightclub.  You may notice the locals you see are looking pretty swanky.  How can one ignore such a fashionable community?

Jacket:  Nick & Mo
Jeans:  Henry & Belle
Boots:  Thrifted
Purse:  French Connection
Hat:  Thrifted
Scarf:  Vintage (Laura Ashley)
Ring:  Monserat De Lucca

*Two of the fashion show vendors included:  ELOFSON  and Darling Vintage  

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Price of Pistachios

   Often in life we are confronted with the question, "how much is too much?"  Most of us living in the Midwest are taught to live frugally.  We are encouraged to take more pleasure in saving then in spending. We find ourselves feeling guilty about spending frivolously on ourselves out of want, rather than need.  Lucky for me and my wardrobe, I don't have this guilt complex.  Unfortunately for my savings account, I know what gives me pleasure and it's often spending my hard earned paycheck on handbags, unique separates, and vintage apparel.  We only live once and I figure we may as well look decent while doing it.
   So going back to the question at hand, "how much is too much?"  Can I justify spending triple-digits on a handbag?  Absolutely!...but should I, perhaps not.  My personal rule is if I can't afford to pay for it now, I can afford to live without it.  Sounds like a simple concept but it is one that is sometimes near impossible to adhere to.  This goes double when one is trolling Etsy for one of a kind vintage pieces and comes across something they will NEVER find again.  Well, we all cheat sometimes, right?
   It simply comes down to the fact that clothing gives me joy.  Do I have too much of it, yes.  Do I need to buy another handbag for the rest of my life, no.  Is there a narcissistic stigma attached to those of us who adore the fashion industry, probably.  However, in a world where the nightly news contains horror stories full of incidents like hijacked planes and public shootings, I believe anything that gives a person a little happy is a positive thing.  
   So, I will continue to justify my next handbag purchase.  I will continue skulking about my favorite internet shops.  Finally, I will continue to eat my tiny overpriced bag of pistachios at every lunch because I enjoy these things.  If you are looking for someone to justify a similar guilty pleasure, look no further.  I am your girl.

Sweater:  Vintage
Jeans:  Silver Jeans
Boots:  ESPRIT
Scarf:  Blutsgeschwister
Purse:  Juicy Couture
Sunglasses:  Kate Spade SATURDAY
Earrings:  Lucky Brand

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Salmon at a Steakhouse

   So, I am sure everyone is familiar with the idea that one should not order the lasagna at Denny's.  It's similar to the concept of staying away from the beef jerky in a vending machine.  Sometimes, one is just setting themselves up for failure.  
   You are probably wondering where I am going with this rather off subject rant, and to tell you the truth, I am too.  All I can say is every time I wear the jacket pictured in the above photos I feel like some kind of hoity-toity head chef and I gotta state, "I like it."  
   Maybe it was the jacket that made me brave enough to order the salmon at my boyfriend's favorite steakhouse, or maybe it was just my general dislike of steak and western themed restaurants.  Either way, I took the "plunge" and ordered the seafood at an establishment where the most asked question of the night was, "where's the beef?"  I am pleased to report that my jacket did not steer me wrong.  My meal of grilled salmon, baked potato, and side garden salad was absolutely delicious!
   Remember, next time you find yourself in an environment that may not be in your comfort zone, stay confident.  Who cares if you have no idea which twangy song is playing over the restaurant speakers.  It doesn't matter if you are not wearing the, apparently mandatory, rhinestone studded shirt.  For your own sanity, do not make eye contact with the line dancing waitresses and above all else, no matter what, do not let these waitresses pressure you into adding the bacon bits on your salad or potato because, "after all, you are having the fish." 
   Don't get me wrong atmosphere aside, my meal was absolutely delightful.  Could it be that it's not just that weird guy in the break room at work that gets the vending machine beef jerky?  Is it possible that F5 could be my new favorite fifteen minute afternoon snack?  I doubt it, but maybe if they offered a tuna option...

Jacket:  kensie
Skirt:  Ann Taylor LOFT
Boots:  Juicy Couture
Purse:  The Limited
Headband:  Vintage
Bracelet:  Hotcakes Design Jewelry

Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Secret Life of -r.

   Recently, my boyfriend and I spent a delightful afternoon at the, "cheap seats," watching the movie, "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty," starring Ben Stiller.  I went into this film with no real expectations of greatness.  In fact, I was more concerned with the quality of our large buttered popcorn than I was with that of the film.  It wasn't until I realized Ben's character, Walter, was employed at, "Life," magazine, (a job that I think would be riveting,) that I started to really pay attention to the movie instead of how many napkins we brought into the theater.  Later, while watching one of Walter's multiple daydream scenes I completely forgot about the popcorn altogether.  Lets just say, it involved Greenland, a very intoxicated helicopter pilot, and someone was singing David Bowie's, "Space Oddity."   All I could think was, "I've had this daydream before!"  
   I found, "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty," to be a very engaging film about one man's struggle with what I refer to as, "George Bailey's Syndrome."  If you are familiar with the classic film, "It's a Wonderful Life," you know that the main character in that movie, played by Jimmy Stewart, was plagued by a desire to leave home and explore the vast world in a quest to pursue his version of the meaning of life.  Like the character George Bailey in, "It's a Wonderful Life," Walter Mitty also possesses the desire to explore the world.  In both character's cases when this desire is not met a deep depression is the result.  This is portrayed by both George Bailey's suicide attempt or Walter Mitty's constant disengaged daydreaming.  In the end, both stories share a common conclusion., This being that the great, "meaning of life," has always been there and the secret is just defining it.  
    Many aspects of, "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty," hit close to home for me.  As mentioned in a previous post, I am still waiting to go on my dream trip to Seattle, Washington.  In the movie, Walter finally decides to break free of his monotony.  Before his greatest adventure, Walter trades in his adult dress shirt and briefcase for his favorite old band t shirt and backpack.  On the day the above pictures were taken I felt inspired by Walter Mitty's transformation.  I donned a band t shirt and grabbed a backpack thinking, "Now that I have on the appropriate exploration gear I am ready for that trip to Seattle!"  I just hope that people there still wear Nirvana t shirts.

Coat:  Miss Sixty
Shirt:  Thrifted
T Shirt:  FOREVER 21
Jeans:  Guess
Boots:  Hunter Boot Ltd
Backpack:  BESS NYC
Hat:  Free People

"Life," magazine's motto according to Walter Mitty:  To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other, and to feel.  That is the purpose to life.