Sunday, March 30, 2014


   Sometimes we are forced to be creative.  Being someone who likes to think of herself as a naturally creative individual, it pains me to admit that at times I need an extra push to seek out inspiration.  Many nights it is all too easy to get caught in front of  my laptop for hours trolling my favorite Etsy shops for vintage treasures when I originally intended to sew, read, or FINALLY draw again.  However, sometimes we do not have a choice in the matter.  Sometimes to our great dismay, we find ourselves without modern luxuries like the Internet.  Suddenly, a person finds themselves faced with evenings void of Facebook, Netflix, or Pinterest.  These nights are a good time to see what one is made of.  Yes people, these nights are often referred to as, "roughing it," and let me tell you it can get ugly quickly.
   Unfortunately, I found myself in one of these Mark Twain type situations, not so long ago.  I was beginning a long anticipated three day weekend when suddenly I was greeted with brutally cold weather temperatures and a malfunctioning internet connection at home.  It was, the perfect storm.  
   Much like the, "5 stages of loss and grief," I found myself experiencing a series of emotions that quite honestly freaked my boyfriend out.  The first night started with mild discontent, followed by a shrug of the shoulders and an apathetic, "oh, it will be fixed by the morning.  The second day was more of an annoyed  mood which accompanied me to my regular Starbucks for an afternoon using public Wi-Fi.  The third day, and quite honestly the ugliest day, resulted in me yelling at my boyfriend that he, "didn't love me anymore and I was moving out!"  I think there may have been some rocking back and forth and bargaining going on as well but the whole episode is still kinda foggy.
   Okay, maybe it wasn't that bad, but the lack of internet access over my three day weekend definitely brought out some less desirable qualities in me.  However, the extra time being unplugged allowed me to catch up on my reading, spend some semi-quality time with my boyfriend, and construct what has to be my favorite outfit I have posted yet.  I may now understand why some of the most creative people in time were the most tortured.  They didn't have the Internet.

Jacket:  Ann Taylor
Jeans:  Silver Jeans
Boots:  Born
Purse:  Dooney & Bourke
Scarf:  Vintage
Gloves:  The Limited
Lipstick:  Rimmel Lasting Finish by Kate Moss (01)

Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Great Plaid Fad


   Every time I see a resurgence of plaid I can't help but think, "Flannel! Seattle! Flannel! Seattle!..."  as chanted in the immortal lyrics of, "I left my flannel in Seattle," by that one band.  You know the one, that punk band from the '90s with the rather tasteless name and overall lack of musical talent.   Not familiar... huh.  Well as far as '90s bands are concerned you're not missing much except for the above mentioned tune, whose ridiculously simple lyrics have always been somewhat of a mantra for me.  You can see where this topic is going, right?  The currently trending subject of plaid allows me to get all nostalgic for my absolute favorite pop culture phase, Grunge.
   Now, since I began this blog I have been plotting on how to post about my love of all things Grunge.  I do hope to devote not just one, but a series of posts to this particular movement.  I do realize that the sole topic of the resurrection of plaid in fashion is not quite Grunge worthy.  However, I just can't help myself.  I loved that scene.
  While flipping through the September 2013 edition of, "Nylon," magazine I ran across the feature pictured in the first photo of this post.  It was announced that plaids are back, and I was thrilled to see that they are being donned on the runways head-to-toe!  This reminded me of the, "good ol' days," of Grunge when I would wear three plaid flannel shirts at a time in order to show my devotion to the Seattle music scene.  I can only think to compare this act to something like being super patriotic and wearing an American flag t-shirt.  
   Despite my rather sappy reasons for celebrating the comeback of plaid, I will state that it is one of the most diverse prints available.  It works whether one is going for the preppier across the pond Oxford, England look or the grittier early '90s Seattle, Washington vibe.  
   Alas, the days of sweating through three layers of plaid flannel shirts to show my teenage angst are over for this thirty-something blogger.   However, now my one layer of an oversize plaid scarf is enough to keep me comfortably warm with a discreet nod to my younger self,  (pictured in the last photograph of this post circa 1993.)  Interestingly enough, both the teenage girl in that picture and the woman in the preceding photos are still waiting to go to Seattle, Washington.  Some things never change.

Coat:  Holy Codi Studio
Jacket:  American Rag Cie
Jeans:  Silver Jeans
Shoes:  Naturalizer
Purse:  Juicy Couture
Scarf:  Abercrombie & Fitch
Ring:  Craft fair purchase
Sunglasses:  Gucci
Nail Polish:  essie (Mod Square)



Sunday, March 16, 2014


   Sometimes, upon finishing a really excellent book, I find it impossible to let it go.  I will notice things like the mood of the story bleeding into my everyday world.  For example, I find myself feeling extra agitated the morning after a rather action packed read.  It doesn't take much insight to guess that a book entitled, "The Terror," may be just one of these stories.
   Being the geek that I am, I have already written a full review of this title on my goodreads account.  However, since this story is one that I seem to be having a hard time separating from frequent conversation, I felt that a short, "tip o' the hat," post may help me move on.  This being stated, I do want to acknowledge what an absolutely excellent novel I found this book to be.
   In short, "The Terror," by Dan Simmons is the historical fiction version of an Arctic Expedition's journey to force the Northwest Passage starting in 1845.  Upon their voyage, the characters are plagued by multiple extreme hardships all stemming from the fact that their two ships are completely frozen in the Arctic ice for three years.  After the last three months of this winter, while not near the extreme conditions of the Arctic, I felt an enormous amount of empathy for the men on this journey.
   Like the characters in the story, "The Terror," I find myself constantly waiting for a spring thaw.  While my actual life does not depend on this, I do often find that my well-being does.  On a lighter note, my wardrobe may also appreciate a milder climate.  As pictured above, I was more than happy to finally introduce my new wellies to some serious springlike puddles.  So keep the faith people, unlike those unfortunate pioneers of the Arctic, we may see open water soon.

Coat:  Miss Sixty
Jacket:  baja hoodie
Skirt:  Diesel
Boots:  Hunter Boot Ltd
Purse:  Tokidoki
Sunglasses:  I got them at a gas station!
Necklaces:  Military Dog Tag:  My own Grandpap's  Spoon Necklace:  Craft fair purchase

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Lions, and Tigers, and...Coyotes?

   If it is not already obvious by some of these pictures, I will state that I often frequent some pretty rural settings.  Now this is not to say that I live or often hang out in a barn but lets just leave it at, I could if I wanted to.  The funny thing about barns, especially old and out of use ones, are that you never quite know what you may find in them.  Being a person who was not raised on a farm, I often find myself a little anxious when entering an old barn.  I want it to be noted that yes, I do admire the history and rustic charm that an abandoned barn has to offer.  On one occasion while exploring an abandoned outbuilding, I found a devotional medal nailed to the inside wall.  It made me reflect on the original purpose of the building and who must of placed this item there.  Despite this fond memory I continue to keep in mind the idea, you never know what you may find in an abandoned building.  
   On the day these pictures were taken all my boyfriend and I found in this barn where some fairly sweet pigeons hiding in the rafters.  However, I will admit I did not dig around in the hay to find out what other critters may have been snuggled in for warmth.  I have learned the hard way, while in the country, one is often exposed to surprise wildlife.  
   Writing about this topic reminds me of an evening last month when my boyfriend and I watched a coyote, outside our picture window, munch on something in our yard for over an hour.   Like I stated earlier, I frequent some pretty rural settings.  Therefore, I will continue to be cautious of what I may find in an old barn.  

Jacket:  Hazel
Sweatshirt:  DKNY pure
Jeans:  Kasil Workshop
Boots:  HUNTER Boot Ltd
Purse:  Vintage
Necklace:  Waxing Poetic

Sunday, March 2, 2014

White Noise on my Radio

   Most times, while picking out an outfit for the day, I dress with style in mind.  However sometimes, considering what the day's activities may bring, I dress solely for comfort.  On this particular day, comfort was my main priority.
   On occasion, my job will ask me to speak on a local AM Radio show about gardening.  At first this used to make me very anxious.  I would worry about things like sounding unintelligent, my voice cracking, or even bouts of hysterical Tourette Syndrome.  Please keep in mind I have never experienced anything as serious as Tourette Syndrome.  I also don't mean to make light of this affliction, but wouldn't that be horrible while on the air?  
   In addition, as a person interested in fashion, I often found myself worrying about the way I looked before a show.  It has taken a few years for me to actually realize, it's radio nobody knows what you look like!  Surprisingly, there is something almost liberating about this concept.  Don't get me wrong, I will always be a visually minded person.  As a former art major in college, I don't think there is any other way I can be.  Yet despite this, I cannot deny the luxury of presenting myself to the public, "incognito."  So I have learned to dress for comfort on these occasions.  In reality I may be wearing a plain sweatshirt and scarf, but on the radio I always strive to sound like I'm in a suit and pearls.

Coat:  Hurley
Sweatshirt:  Thrifted
Jeans:  Miss Me
Boots:  Lucky Brand
Purse:  Dooney & Bourke
Scarf:  KAVU
Earrings:  gift made by a friend
Sunglasses:  Vintage
Gloves:  Upcycled Sweater made by me (Similar pattern)